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SPS Quality Soundproofing Products for Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Music Studios, Schools and Offices

If you have ever experienced uncontrolled or unwanted sound in your home, recording studio, school or work place then you will know how annoying it can be and the need for such places to have soundproofing in place. Apart from getting on your nerves, noises can lead to serious health hazard (cause damage to your ear drum),especially sounds with high-frequency and high-intensity. This is as a result of the force and number of sound waves transmitted by such sounds. Even the slightest adjustment to the level of decibel (used in measuring sound level) can significantly affect the sound you hear.

Most of us find ourselves living in noisy environments and more often than not, we find it very frustrating living in such environments. Consequently, this has prompted so many into looking for ways to avoid the noise. The big question therefore is, how can you control the sound you hear? As pretty straightforward as this question may seem, it has however posed a big challenge to many over the years. One reason it is so is that there are so many alternative products to pick from on the internet when it comes to soundproofing products. But the good news is, we found the perfect solution in SPS soundproofing products.

SPS understand that soundproofing has to do with preventing sound waves from penetrating into areas where they will be regarded as noise. is a brand renowned for their top-quality soundproofing products among others. Their products speak for themselves and, their services are second to none at a very affordable budget which has made them stand apart from other brands. Below are two among several customer reviews to serve as a testament to the fact that, the only thing you can get at “ are products and services that are of top notched quality.

So be it the floors of your home, walls, ceilings, studios etc., that you wish to soundproof. SPS can offer quality products that will not only strike your fantasy but beat your imagination.  our dBX 15mm soundboard , is a rare quality acoustic product that offers high performance in ceiling, wall and floor applications.


Sound Insulation – Simply described as a process in which sound intensity is reduced when sound waves pass through a medium or strike a surface. Also known as Acoustic Insulation.

More Detailed Explanation The effect is measured by determining the Sound Reduction Index (SRI) achieved by a given Material. This SRI is expressed in dB and is calculated by measuring sound created on one side of the material, then measuring sound on the other side of the material, the lowest is deducted from the highest value and the result is known as its SRI value.

An easy way to work out how much reduction you can expect is to look at the SRI value of a system. For every 12-14dB of residence added will give you about 50% reduction.

The process is commonly experienced when you open and close the door of a room that has a TV or stereo on, the door will act as a sound insulator and you could effectively measure its SRI value in the same way.

Typical Materials used to increase Sound Insulation include:

Acoustic Boards
Acoustic Mats
Floating Floors
High Density Acoustic Mineral Wool

Basically the thicker and denser the product then the more it will increase the Sound Insulation and the higher its Sound Reduction Index will be.

Sound is transmitted in basically 2 ways:

Airbourne Transmission

i) Airborne Transmission – This is the transmission of sound via Air Molecules hitting each other. Ie conversation, coughing, snoring, television ect.
To reduce the amount of sound heard by the other person you would need to install a barrier or Sound Insulator between the source and you, the thicker and denser the barrier then the better the sound reduction will be.

Vibration/Impact Transmission

ii) Vibration Transmission – This is the transmission of sound via the connection of different Materials to each other ie Footstep Noise on a floor of a house.

To reduce vibration transmission , you need to either stop the sound getting into the floor, out of the ceiling or a combination of both, by adding a Floating Floor or an Acoustic ceiling system. Addding resileintlayers is the key to good impact performance

Flanking Noise

Flanking noise is sound that transmits between spaces in a roundabout way, going over or around, instead of straightforwardly through the fundamental isolating component. This can enable sound to transmit between spaces despite the fact that the principle isolating component itself gives great acoustic protection.

Flanking sounds are normally transmitted in a roundabout way through pathways, for example, windows, entryways and outside dividers. To limit the impacts of flanking sound, great outline and establishment practice is basic. Flanking noise will be noise achieving a room by a backhanded way. For instance, noise achieving the room over your home theatre from some course other than through your roof, noise achieving the following room by a course other than through the divider, and so on.

A typical case of flanking is sound transmitted between two spaces through a story void (or even a drifting screed) that keep running under the isolating parcel, despite the fact that the segment gives great acoustic protection keeping the immediate transmission of sound.

Any building component that enters or circumnavigates an isolating component can bring about flanking. This may include: -
Windows and doorways.

  • Flanking roofs, floors and dividers which proceed past the isolating component into the abutting space.

  • Voids, for example, divider cavities, suspended roofs and raised floors.

  • Penetrating joists.

  • Corridors and other course spaces.

  • Ductwork and pipe work.

  • Sockets.

  • Poor workmanship.

Flanking ought to be viewed as ahead of schedule in the outline phase of new improvements and itemising ought to wipe out or limit the incidental downsizing of sound protection. Intersections between components specifically can offer a potential flanking course on the off chance that they are not painstakingly itemised and developed. Great preparation, supervision and review nearby can guarantee that the nature of workmanship stays high with the goal that points of interest are built as composed.

Flanking noise is an issue that must be tended to by anybody changing over a current property into separate use and those building new builds. Flanking Noise must be considered when soundproofing floors, walls and ceilings. Flanking noise transmission can be particularly vexatious in multi-family private structures.

Examples of Decimals





Almost inaudible

A leaf falling



Rustles of autumnal leaves


Very quiet




Living room, quiet classroom


Limited sound

Refrigerator working, car driving past



Percolating coffee-maker



Sound of human voice, machinery



Television set on loud, vacuum cleaner, several people on the telephone


Constant sound

Busy restaurant around lunchtime



Alarm clock, freight traffic, doorbell



Sawing, mixer


Extremely unpleasant

Truck close by, screaming, yelling, shouting



Drill, violin


Extremely unpleasant

Machine in a factory, compressor, fighter jet at 300 m


Even louder

Helicopter close by, large drum


Extremely loud

Rock concert, chainsaw



Human voice at its loudest, police siren





Pain threshold

First Monday of the month siren from close by


Permanent damage to hearing




Shooting with pistol or rifle



Avalanche firework



Rocket launch platform



Saturn rocket


flaking noise.png

Sound Insulation Testing Explained

One of the many Building Regulations requirements when developing residential properties is to achieve a certain standard of sound insulation performance between dwellings.

The specific performance requirements for new builds and conversions are set within Approved Document E (2003 Edition) and are summarised in the following tables.

New Builds

Airborne Sound Insulation (DnT,w + Ctr)

≥ 45 dB

Impact Sound Insulation (L’nT,W) for floors only

≤ 62 dB



Airborne Sound Insulation (DnT,w + Ctr)

≥ 43 dB

Impact Sound Insulation (L’nT,W) for floors only

≤ 64 dB

What does all this mean?

The whole purpose of the new  regulation is to provide adequate sound insulation between neighbouring properties when converting a single dwelling property into one or more separate dwellings.

Airborne Sound

Applies both to party walls and floors. This level is, simply put, the difference between the source level and the receiver level during sound insulation tests. For example, if the source level in one flat is 100db and the receiver level in the neighbouring flat is 45db, the level difference (or sound reduction performance) is 55db. This difference is then corrected for several factors such as background noise, room characteristics and frequency weighting (which we will not dwell on),giving the final sound insulation performance value of the tested element. So, the higher this number, the better the performance.

Impact Sound

Now, the impact insulation performance values shown only apply to party floors and related to the effectiveness of the floor construction in absorbing shock, hence not transmitting footfall noise. The measurement is done by using a tapping machine which has 5 weights tapping in regular succession on the tested floor. The noise levels in the room below are then measured and averaged for different tapper positions, giving the sound reduction rating of the floor. So, in this case, the lower the figure, the better the performance.