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Ceiling Systems Table
Ceiling System: Ceiling Height Loss +/- Typical Airborne Improvement Typical Airborne Improvement Estimated Cost per SQM
Independent Ceiling > 172mm – 225mm 25-29dB 23-26dB
Resilient Bar Ceiling > 50mm 14-19dB 13-15dB
Genie Clip RST > 54-66mm 21-25dB 18-22dB
LB3 Genie Clips > 35mm 21-25dB 18-22dB

Most systems will perform great on airborne noise as the layers of materials used are very similar. Impact noise reduction will be determent by the method. A general rule of thumb on ceiling systems is that the more space you use the better the impact reduction will be.

To soundproof a ceiling, it's crucial to isolate the soundproofing layers from the existing ceiling. When impact vibrations such as footsteps or moving furniture occur above, the vibration energy travels straight through the floor to the ceiling below. Adding resilience to the ceiling allows it to flex and dampen the vibration.

Our soundproofing solutions for ceilings come with a handy calculator that provides you with the materials you need. Simply input your ceiling measurements, choose any upgrades, and the calculator will assemble your soundproofing kit, ensuring you have all the necessary components

All of our systems are DIY-friendly, saving you installation expenses. 75% of our customers install the systems themselves. We've made DIY installation an easy option by providing simple and comprehensive step-by-step installation guides.

Feel free to contact our team to answer any questions and provide installation support.